Blackout Bush.

Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sun, Jan 20, 2002

Blackout Bush.

W's handlers have performed one hell of a job training old diminished
expectations to keep his silver foot out of his mouth.  

However, they have been less successful in keeping up the illusion of
his recovery.  Even with the 24/7 companions W has managed to squirm his
way out of his restraints during his binges.  Several times he caused
serous enough damage to his face to necessitate hurried press releases
to try to explain them.  Pretzels indeed.

An unnamed White House staff person is quoted as saying; "There is just
no dealing with him when he's on the pipe, He keeps yelling 'Poppy says
I can.'  Sometimes I wonder if all the bruises are worth it.  

Reportedly a small army of Hollywood plastic surgeons and make-up
artists ensconced in the Watergate Hotel and held on round the clock
call to keep the president, who some have disparagingly started to call
'the Stumble Bum and Chief', presentable to the public.

1/20/02 ZNN the Zontar News Network


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